Rental requests are initially created at a status of 'Raised', meaning FleetWave won't inform anyone of the request via KPI or email. This gives you chance to review the request, and possibly save it before coming back later to add further detail before submitting it for approval.
1. Navigate to the Rentals module
2. Click to add a new record
The 'Rental Status' will be defaulted to 'Raised' and a 'Rental Code' will be applied automatically when the record is saved.
3. Select the 'Rental Reason' and the 'Supplier' that you want to request a rental vehicle from
4. Enter details of the rental vehicle you're requesting - the type, make and model etc.
5. Enter the 'From Date' and 'To Date' that the rental vehicle is required
FleetWave will calculate the total number of days the request is for.
6. If you know the daily 'Hire Rate' then enter that now and the 'Total Cost' will be calculated
7. Navigate to the Driver Details tab and select the driver the rental vehicle is for
The driver's hierarchy information will be populated on screen.
8. Navigate to the Delivery tab and enter the 'Delivery Date', and the address the vehicle will be delivered to
9. Click to save the request
The record will be committed to the database and you'll be returned to the browse table.
When you are ready to submit the request for approval:
10. Enter the record in edit mode
11. Click the Submit for Approval button
The 'Rental Status' will be updated to 'Awaiting Approval'.
12. Click to save the record
FleetWave will send an email to the cost center on the request and will update a homepage KPI to reflect that there is a request that requires approval.
The next step is for a user with the correct permissions to approve the request - see Approve a Rental Request.