You can store comprehensive information on your driver's licences to ensure records are accurate and detailed. There are separate tables for the different aspects, all embedded into the driver's AEV (add/edit/view) screen, so that records added are linked to that driver.
Check the video out:
1. Navigate to the Drivers table
2. Search for the relevant driver record
3. Press the Button
4. Navigate to the 'Licence Checks' tab
5. Enter the 'Licence Number' and associated dates; 'Licence Expiry', 'Licence Inspected Date', 'Licence Inspection Due'
6. Click the button to commit these details to the driver record, then re-enter the record in edit mode and navigate back to the tab
7. Scroll down and add records to the following embedded tables, where required:
- Driver Details - details of the driver from their licence, such as date of birth and address
- Licence Categories - any 'entitlement' the driver has to drive a particular type of vehicle
- Licence Restrictions - any restrictions that limit the driver's driving privileges to operating a certain type of vehicle
- Licence Endorsements - any penalty points the driving licence has been endorsed with for a motoring offence the driver has been convicted of
8. Click the button on each section, this will open the input screen
9. Enter the required details on the screen and click
FleetWave will return you to the Drivers table browse screen.
FleetWave will populate the Fleet Status Tool if the number of endorsement points, or the licence inspection and category expiry dates, entered fall within the specified criteria.