In the event of one of your vehicles getting a new licence plate number, the Reallocation Tool can be used to reflect this fact in FleetWave, maintaining a historical record of previous numbers and cascading the change across the system.
Check the video out:
1. Navigate to the Reallocation Tool
2. select the "Replate Vehicle" option
3. Enter a 'Registration Number'
FleetWave will pull through some basic vehicle details to ensure you have the right vehicle. Update the 'Odometer' if you know it.
4. Select a 'Start Date' for the new vehicle plate to take effect from
5. Enter the 'New Vehicle Registration/Plate' for the vehicle
6. Select whether you want to cascade this change throughout FleetWave or not
Opting to cascade to all records in all table means that wherever a record exists for the vehicle (e.g. an accident or maintenance record) the 'Registration Number' field will be updated to reflect the new plate. Not opting to cascade will leave all historic records with the original 'Registration Number'.
7. Click the button
FleetWave will update the 'Registration Number' on the vehicle record and add a record to the Allocations table with a status of 'Replate Vehicle', capturing the date of the change and storing the old number for reference.
The screen will be refreshed and the data removed, in case you wish to replate another vehicle.