The Fleet Status Tool is a visual traffic light pop-out dashboard which offers users an actionable scorecard for keeping business strategies on track. It enables you to quickly identify areas that need action, planning or monitoring.
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The tool is accessed from the homepage dashboard, popping out when the Fleet Status Tool icon in the bottom right corner is clicked on. The tool lists all the KPIs, grouped by module, and the record count for each RAG (red, amber, green) result. Each KPI is configured with parameters and ranges that are relevant and meaningful to that specific KPI and form the RAG rating, which generally means:
- Green - Good - Upcoming action required in the near future
- Amber - Warning - Requires action promptly to prevent compliance issues etc.
- Red - Urgent - A key date or range has been surpassed or exceeded and requires immediate action or intervention
To see what the specific parameters of the RAG are, hover over the number with your cursor and a tooltip will inform you.
Click on the RAG results and FleetWave will take you to the relevant table, filtered to show the records that make up the result so you can act accordingly.