End Your Shift
Once you have finished work for the day and want to head to the pub, gym or just go home, you can complete your shift for the day quickly and easily within the mobile app. When you complete this action, you notify the system you have finished work for the day and your timesheet records are completed.
How to do it...
End your shift video
Step by step...
This one is pretty easy, it's how you tell the system you have finished work for the day, therefore it's also pretty fun π€©
From the main home screen, select the 'Menu' icon:
Home page 'Menu' item
You will then see the additional menu items, and in the bottom left of the screen you will see the option to 'End Shift' (this value is translatable, so a System Administrator may have changed this to a more familiar term):
Additional menu items page
Once you select this option, the system will mark the time you completed your shift and automatically end any activity you were recording time against. You will be returned to the "start shift" screen ready for the next day!
Start shift screen
Now work's over, go and enjoy yourself!