Create a Job
You need the correct permissions to do so, but if your company allows you to create jobs, the app makes it really quick and easy to do so!
How to do it...
Create a job video
Step by step...
From the home screen, press the 'Add Job' button:
Add job button
Use the search bar to find the vehicle you need to create a job for:
TECH TIP! - if your fleet and system have been set up with barcoding, you can select the barcode icon and use your device to scan the barcode on the vehicle. The system will then populate the vehicle information.
Search for your vehicle
Select your vehicle and complete the on-screen form, pressing 'Submit' once you have completed the form:
TECH TIP! - these screens can be configured by a System Administrator, so they may look different to our example here. Also, you can't submit the job for creation until all mandatory fields are completed.
Job creation form
Once you press submit, the job is created and you are navigated to the new job, ready for work to be started. Nice one π
Job created successfully screen