During the import of a fuel transaction file, FleetWave will validate that a number of conditions are met for each transaction to ensure data accuracy is maintained. Any transactions that fail one or more validation checks will still be imported into the system, but will be held in a "pre-processed" state, i.e. they will sit as invalid and not contribute to any vehicle statistics (e.g. running costs or odometer histories).
Check the video out:
The following is validated upon import:
- The fuel card specified on the transaction exists in FleetWave
- The vehicle specified on the transaction exists in FleetWave, and has not been archived
- The date format on the transaction is correct
- The odometer on the transaction is not lower than an earlier reading, and has not moved too far in a one month period
- The quantity of the transaction does not exceed the tank size of the vehicle
- The date of the transaction was not before the vehicle had a valid allocation
- The values for net and tax equal the gross value of the transaction
- The fuel type on the transaction matches a recognised fuel type in FleetWave
- The fuel type on the transaction matches the fuel type of the vehicle
- The driver specified on the transaction was not allocated to multiple vehicles on the date of the transaction
When invalid transactions are imported into FleetWave you will need to manually update the record and correct whichever of the above issues are causing them to be invalid, and then reprocess the transactions. To do this:
1. Navigate to the Fuel table
By default, the Fuel table will display all the normal (valid) records.
2. Select from the dropdown to filter all the bad (invalid) records, or choose to filter on a specific import issue (e.g. unknown vehicle)
If the dropdown is not displaying it's because there aren't any invalid records, put your feet up!
3. Take note of the 'Record Status' - this will tell you what caused the transaction to fail validation - and make the required corrections
4. When you've corrected all the records you want, select 'Reprocess' from the dropdown
FleetWave will re-validate the transaction records against the above checks and, if it finds no further issues, will set the 'Record Status' to 'Normal' and include the data from the transaction in the relevant vehicle statistic calculations.
5. Click the OK button to return to the Fuel table