The Maintenance table is where you can record all the preventative maintenance and repair work that your vehicles have undergone.
Check the video out:
1. Navigate to the Maintenance table
2. Click to add a new record
The 'Job Number' field will be automatically populated on save with a sequential number following on from the previous job's number.
3. Select the 'Supplier' and the 'Reason Code'
4. Enter a 'Registration Number'
5. Enter the date/time the job was done and record an odometer reading
6. Enter the 'Parts Cost' and the 'Labour Cost'
The 'Total Cost' will be calculated by adding the parts and labour costs.
7. Enter a description of the work done
8. Click to save the record
If the 'Reason' selected matches a reason from a service event for the same vehicle, then the vehicle service event record will be updated, using the 'Job End Date' as the last service date, which will trigger the next service date to be recalculated (see Set Up a Vehicle With a Service Schedule).